Sea (UK) was founded in 1999 as a non profit educational organisation committed to promoting the art and science of medical education amongst those involved in the education of anaesthetists. The society is a registered charity and has three trustees:
President: Professor Cyprian Mendonca, Consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust
Secretary: Dr Tracy Langcake, SAS doctor, Mid-Yorkshire NHS Trust
Treasurer: Dr Claire Halligan, Consultant Anaesthetist, Wrexham Maelor Hospital, Rhyl
The society has a very active council of members (inc trustees).
The aims of the society are laid out below:
Organise meetings and discussions on matters relating to medical education in anaesthesia. This will include for example organising an Annual Scientific meeting, collaborating with other specialist societies in providing sessions with an educational focus and supporting the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
Encourage research and development in the field of education in Anaesthesia. This might include small grants administered by SEAUK and working collaboratively with NIAA in encouraging educational research both as stand-alone and collaborative projects.
Provide a forum for Anaesthetists with interests in simulation and the use of enhanced technology as educational tools in Anaesthesia. This would include supporting Anaesthetists in teaching both technical and non-technical skills and Human Factors.
Provide on-line resources to support anaesthetists with an interest in education, primarily via the members only section of the website.
Prepare and publish educational materials, both via the newsletter and the website.
Include a section run by trainee anaesthetists for trainees for example by publishing in the newsletter, on the website and providing a trainee session at the Annual Scientific meeting